Classroom Items
Teachers needs materials that are often not covered in a school's budget. Buckets for Ben-efit laundry detergent fundraising can help teachers off set out-of-pocket costs for classroom materials.
Playground Equipment
Updating and maintaining a safe playground environment is essential for elementary schools. However, equipment is very costly and can be hard to acquire with a tight budget. We are here to help you! Our school fundraising company can aide in raising funds to purchase the best equipment for your students.
Technology Updates
Students need updated technology to
enhance learning. Technology such as iPads, Cromebooks, Smartboards, computers, etc. are very expensive and can drain funds quickly. Let us help you acquire the technology you need for successful learning environments.
PTO Funding
Parent Teacher Organizations support schools by helping teachers and students in the classroom. PTO's help raise funds for schools so that students have all the advantages during their school years. We work closely with many parent teacher organizations so that they may help administrators, teachers and students raise money during a school fundraiser.